Calle Mendenhall
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Could you walk us through your professional journey—what inspired you to pursue plaintiff-side law, how your motivations have developed over time, and the key milestones that brought you to your current role?
I grew up in Houston, Texas, and didn’t come from a family of lawyers. In fact, the only lawyer I knew growing up was my childhood best friend's father, who handled wills, estates, and trusts—a completely different area from what I do now. Civil litigation wasn’t even on my radar.
I did well enough in my first year to secure a position at a sizable defense firm for the summer. In law school, the pressure often leans toward defense work but after my first summer, I knew I wouldn’t be happy on that path. In hindsight, I’m grateful for that experience because the firm required its summer associates to bill hours, which gave me an honest look at what that career would entail—a perspective many students don’t get.
When I returned to school, I met with a career counselor and explained that I was at a loss. I’d followed the traditional path, but it wasn’t fulfilling. She encouraged me to connect with alumni working in plaintiff-side civil litigation. I connected with several alumni and found I clicked with them. Our conversations, their demeanor, and even the way they approached the work felt natural to me. I eventually applied for a job with a plaintiff firm during the school year and was fortunate to get hired. From there, everything fell into place. So, It was really a process of elimination that led me to plaintiff-side litigation, but I’m grateful for the experiences that helped me figure out where I truly belong. This work feels right for me.
Can you share an early case or series of experiences that had a significant impact on your career, and what key lessons or insights you took away from them?
Early in my career, I had the opportunity to be involved in trials in California, Dallas, and Philadelphia. That experience was transformative for me. Working in different environments allowed me to see how juries in various parts of the country think and how different lawyers practice. It gave me invaluable insight into the common threads juries look for—what key elements resonate with them in cases against corporations. Those years shaped my perspective and approach in profound ways.
One pivotal experience was the first Ethicon mesh trial in Dallas. As a junior lawyer primarily handling document review and deposition prep work, it was eye-opening to see how those documents came together in trial to tell a cohesive story. As we moved on to trials in California and Philadelphia, we built on that foundation. Each trial gave us the chance to uncover new evidence and refine the story. This cumulative process of uncovering more evidence and strengthening our narrative made the litigation increasingly impactful.
How do you approach building trust with clients, particularly in large-scale cases where it's important for them to feel valued as individuals rather than just another case file? Additionally, how do you ensure that trust is maintained throughout the progression of these complex cases?
Client relationships are such a critical aspect of personal injury work. I couldn’t maintain the level of trust we have with the volume of clients we handle without my staff. They’re on the front lines, answering calls and making sure clients feel heard and supported. It’s essential that they’re not pressured to rush through conversations. If a client calls upset, we take the time to talk. If it takes 30 minutes, it takes 30 minutes.
I also make very detailed notes in our system even on items outside of their case. For instance, if I have a client who frequently calls and shares personal updates like where they are traveling or if they have a family members’ birthday coming up, that’s the first thing I am going to ask them about when I talk to them again.
With mass tort cases, which take longer, I’m very upfront about expectations. We let clients know during sign-up that these cases can take five or six years before seeing a settlement. It may seem counterproductive in such a volume-driven area, but I’ve found it builds trust and really pays off in the long run.
You mentioned the importance of supporting your staff. What tools or practices do you use to ensure they have the information they need and can build trust with the clients?
Maintaining open communication with my staff members is essential. Anytime I have a conversation with a client or know something is happening, my default is to make a detailed note in our data management system. Additionally, if it’s a frequent caller, I personally update the relevant staff members, saying, “Hey, I just spoke with them, here’s the update I provided.” This ensures they’re aware of the situation when the client calls back.
Another part of open communication is keeping my staff informed if I’ll be out of the office or focused on another case. That way, when clients call, they don’t just hear, “Calle’s not in the office.” Instead, my staff can explain, “Calle is working on a brief for another case that’s due on the 10th, and she’ll be available on the 11th. Can she call you back then?” This approach provides transparency and seems to be working.
It’s important because clients, much like patients calling a doctor’s office, can feel dismissed if they think someone is just “too busy” to speak with them. By clearly communicating what’s going on, we show that their concerns matter and that I’m not avoiding them.
As a female trial lawyer, have you encountered any unique challenges within the industry or in the courtroom? If so, could you share some of those experiences and how you’ve worked to overcome them?
I think this is a constant challenge. Figuring out whether you want to be the lawyer taking witnesses or behind the scenes is important early on in your career. I also think it’s okay for your view on this to change as you grow but it’s easy for women to be pigeon-holed into the supporting roles without being given an opportunity to do more.
There’s no straightforward way to overcome this, other than actively seeking out opportunities to step into more prominent roles. Sometimes, though, your ability to grow at a firm can be limited. If you feel your growth is being capped, you need to recognize it and ask yourself: If this is the most trial experience I’ll get in my career, am I okay with that? If the answer is yes, that’s fine. But if it’s no, then you need to start looking for opportunities elsewhere that will allow you to grow.
Did you have any mentors or individuals who guided you along the way and helped you learn these valuable lessons? If so, could you share any stories or examples of how they supported you?
I haven’t really had formal mentors, but what I’ve done is look for older lawyers that have qualities I want to emulate. The South doesn’t have a lot of female trial lawyers who are regularly in and out of the courtroom on the civil side. It’s very male-dominated here, especially in larger cases, so for me, getting into other communities and seeing some incredible female powerhouses was eye-opening.
I remember a defense lawyer in a Dallas case—though she was on the other side, I was thrilled to watch her in the courtroom. I got to see how she spoke to the jury and how she interacted with the attorneys I worked for at the time. She handled herself well—not in a domineering way, but also not overly sweet. She was just professional, direct, and authentic.
Kila Baldwin is another example. She’s been a personal luminary for me. We worked together on a trial in Philadelphia some years ago. I was still working behind the scenes at the time and she was taking witnesses. Watching her was inspiring. I thought, “If she can do this, I can figure it out too.” Kila and I formed a great friendship, and we’ve stayed close despite the distance between us. I think the world of her.
Balancing personal and professional life can be particularly challenging in such a demanding field. How do you manage to maintain that balance, and what strategies have worked well for you?
Somebody once told me that balance doesn’t necessarily mean a perfect 50-50 split—it looks different for everyone. That has always stuck with me. Over the years, I’ve become much more efficient in my legal practice. Law can take as much time as you allow. Ultimately, it’s about checking in with yourself and making sure you’re comfortable with how things are going. Don’t feel pressured to have every weekend free or to stop working at 5 p.m. if it doesn’t bother you. Some people thrive working more, and that’s okay. Do what works for you.
What aspects of your job are you most passionate about? What excites you the most about what you’re working on right now?
The most rewarding part is seeing the difference I’ve been able to make in people’s lives. Early on, I was so focused on learning the law because it was such an uphill battle to understand what I was doing and to feel confident in it. Now, nearly 15 years into my career, that part has become easier. My focus now is more on connecting with people and figuring out ways to genuinely improve their lives.
What advice would you give to women attorneys just starting out? What insights can you share from your journey?
An attorney I met during law school gave me some great advice: "The best way to succeed as a young plaintiff's lawyer is to make yourself indispensable." Early on, I took on any task, no matter what it was. If someone had overflow work, I made sure it got done. As a result, people saw me as a reliable resource, which led to opportunities to travel and help with big trials. By consistently going the extra mile, I gained valuable experience and built great connections with lawyers.
Now, I’m the managing partner of our law firm. When I evaluate young lawyers, I look for those who make themselves indispensable. Don’t just show up, do your assigned work, and leave. Be a resource. It sets you apart and can open a lot of doors for your future.
Why are organizations like the Society of Women Trial Lawyers and other women-led groups important to you, and how have they shaped your career?
Women’s organizations—and this one in particular—are incredibly important. Having a forum like this, where women are talking with other women about the common challenges we face is crucial—not just within our firms and how we work to move up the chain of command, but also in how we communicate as female litigators. This includes how we present ourselves to juries and how we engage with clients while remaining effective and authoritative.
Reflecting on your career, what achievements are you most proud of?
Looking back, I'm most proud of the times when I asked for what I wanted and made it a priority for myself to get it. Whether it was asking to be put on a certain case or asking for a raise and seeing it through, those are my proudest moments. Those moments, to me, have had the biggest impact on my career. Know your worth.
Is there anything you'd like to add that we haven’t covered?
I don’t think so. Going back to the Society of Women Trial Lawyers—the way I got involved was through a random email. I saw they were having a convention in New Orleans two or three years ago, and since New Orleans is only about a four-and-a-half-hour drive from Birmingham, I decided to go. I didn’t know anyone there, but I’m so glad I took a chance. It was the first time I met other women who were, A, in similar situations, and B, willing to talk about them. That’s something I’ve really valued about the Society of Women Trial Lawyers—it’s not something I’ve found elsewhere.